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(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty fun! Stuck here, lol (Tower of Hanoi)

Thanks for playing!

That level was actually much harder when I first created it; I made several changes (like reducing from 4 blocks to 3 and adding more help text) to try to make it a bit easier.


Well done using utilizing the theme so well! Its very polished and such a great execution of that idea

Thanks for the comment! I hope you enjoyed playing!


Nice work!! polished and well put together, I really liked that the size scaling mechanic was "swapping" your scale values with an object, lead to a lot of pretty interesting to think about puzzles.


Thanks for playing! I did have more ideas for this (like making the weight of the player a factor for interacting with objects), but could only implement so much due to the time constraints of the jam.


incredible job! such a clever use of scaling! love how cohesive the aesthetic is too!

Thanks for playing! I tried to give everything a “boxy” shape so that it was a bit clearer what size everything is, so the aesthetic was a pretty important part of that too. Glad you liked it!